Unsere Öffnungszeiten

Öffnungszeiten für das Restaurant:

Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Küche begrenzte Kapazität in der letzten Stunde haben vor Schließung Please note that the kitchen can have closed or reduced capacity  1-2 hours before regular closing time, for more info call the restaurant or book a table at 031-97 04 78. 

27. Januar –  7 Marsch

Geschlossen Montag – Freitag

  • Samstag 12.00-20/24 (closing times may vary, call and check with the restaurante for more info or book a table)
  • Sonntag 12.00-18/20 (closing times may vary, call and check with the restaurante for more info or book a table)

8. Marsch – 31. Mai

We are also open on Wednesday 1 May 12.00-18.00/20.00 (closing times may vary, call and check with the restaurante for more info or book a table)

Geschlossen Montag – Mittwoch

  • Donnerstag 12.00-16/20 (closing times may vary, call and check with the restaurante or book a table
  • Freitag 12.00-21/23 (closing times may vary, call and check with the restaurante for more info or book a table)
  • Samstag 12.00-21/23 (closing times may vary, call and check with the restaurante for more info or book a table)
  • Sonntag 12.00-18/20 (closing times may vary, call and check with the restaurante for more info or book a table)
1. Juni – 25. Juni

Geschlossen Montag, Dienstag

  • Mittwoch 12-18/20
  • Donnerstag 12-20/22
  • Freitag – Samstag 12-23
  • Sonntag 12-20
  • Auber 21-22 Juni:

    • 21. Juni 12-18
      22. Juni 14-22

26. Juni – 11. August

Alle Tagen 12.00-23.00

With reservations for changes

12. August – 15. Dezember
  • Geschlossen Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch
    • Donnerstag 12-20*
    • Freitag 12-23*
    • Samstag 12-23*
    • Sonntag 12-20*

* During low season closing time may vary, call the restaurant for more information or book a table

Änderungen vorbehalten