
Please note that the kitchen may have closed or reduced capacity 1-2 hour before ordinary closing time, for more information call the restaurant at 031-97 04 78.

For music events and other major events at Värdshuset and Brännö and sometimes during midday another menu may apply, for info call the restaurant at 031-970478. 

On Saturday 13 July between 16.00-approx 19.00 a different and reduced menu applies due to the music event J.sons Strandhugg and Partypatrullen, This menu will also apply to other guests during the period. 

Instagram branno.vardshus.

Scanna namntaggen på Instagram för att följa branno.vardshus.


Tångkaviar, vinägerchips, smetana, rödlök, örter 125: – 

Seaweed caviar, vinegar chips, smetana, red onion, herbs

Löjromstoast, rödlök, smetana, gräslök, kalixlöjrom 195:- (G/L)

Toast with bleak roe, red onion, herbs

Chark 85:-



Dagens fångst, räkor, riven pepparrot, champinjoner, brynt smör, färsk potatis 355:- (L)

Today´s fish, shrimps, horseradish, mushroom, browned butter, new potatoes

Entrecote, rödvinssås, bearnaisesås, tomat & löksallad, hemmagjorda pommes 355:- (L)

Entrecote, red wine sauce, bearnaise sauce, tomato & onion salad, home made pommes

Gratinerad blomkål, örter & parmesan, tomat och löksallad, dragonsmör, hemmagjorda pommes 230:- (L)

Baked cauliflower, herbs & parmesan, tomato and onionsalad, tarragon butter, home made pommes

Pankopanerad koljafilé, örtaioli, picklad rödlök, grillad citron, färsk potatis 265: – (G) 

Breaded haddock filet, herb aioli, pickled red onion, grilled lemon, new potatoes

Värdshusets fiskgratäng, vit fisk, räkor, vitvinssås, mussla, champinjoner, pommes duchesse 275:- (L)

The Inn´s fish gratin with white fish, shrimps, white wine sauce, mussel, mushrooms, pommes duchesses 

Burgare, 2x90gr högrev, dressing, tomat, karamelliserad lök, brioche, pommes, lagrad cheddar 235:- (G/L)

Burger, 2x90gr prime rib, dressing, tomato, caramelized onion, brioche, pommes, cheddar cheese

Köttbullar, gräddsås, rårörda lingon, inlagd gurka, färsk potatis 195: – (G/L)

Meatballs, cream sauce, lingonberries, pickled cucumber, new potatoes 

Grillad haloumi, dressing, tomat, karamelliserad lök, brioche, pommes, lagrad cheddar 235:- (G/L)

Grilled haloumi, dressing, tomato, caramelized onion, brioche, pommes, cheddar cheese

Moules Frites, örtaioli, pommes, citron 235:- (G/L)

Moules frites, cream, white wine, herb aioli, lemon

Kycklingspett, sallad av vattenmelon. granatäpple, fetaost, chilidressing 235:- (L)

Chicken skewer, salad of watermelon, pomegranate, feta cheese, chili dressing

Ceasarsallad,  kyckling, bacon, romansallad, dressing, parmesan, krutonger 265:- (G/L)

Ceasarsalad, chicken, bacon, roman, dressing, parmesan, croutons, 

Ceasarsallad with shrimps, romansallad, dressing, parmesan, krutonger 295:- (G/L)

Ceasarsalad with shrimps, roman, dressing, parmesan, croutons

Rökt lax, potatissallad, sparris, cocktailtomater, romsås 255:- (L)

Smoked salmon, potatoes salad, asparagus, cherry tomatoes, roe sauce

Räkmacka, cafékaka, majonnäs, ägg, sallad, citron 225:- (G)

Shrimp sandwhich, mayonniase, egg, salad, lemon

Pizza/ Pinsa (gäller vissa dagar och tider, ring och hör med restaurangen)

Pizza/ Pinsa (not apply everyday, call the restaurante for more information) 


Tarte tatin med vaniljglass 95: – (G/L)

Tarte tatin with vanilla ice cream

Creme brulee med passionsfruktssorbet 95: – (L)

Crème brulee with passion fruit sorbet

Karamelliserad getost med hackade mandlar 85:- (L/N)

Caramelized goat cheese with chopped almonds


Köttbullar med rårörda lingon, gräddsås och potatis / Meatballs with lingonberry, cream sauce and potatoes (G/L) 125: –

Pannkakor, grädde, hallonsylt / Pancakes, cream, raspberry jam (G/L) 95: –

Vaniljglass, chokladsås, maräng/ Vanilla ice cream, chocolate sauce, meringue (G/L/N) 79: –

På meny har vi märkt upp de rätter som innehåller: laktos (L), gluten (G) samt nötter (N). 



On the menu we have marked the dishes that contain: lactose (L), gluten (G) and nuts (N)

With reservation for changes